As a child, I loved getting candy and getting dressed up. But my family really never put a real big emphasis on celebrating Halloween. But should we?
Halloween is an old tradition that was celebrating old saints and the "end of summer". It was a happy celebration and in some places, it was a way to collect bread and water for the poor, by going door to door. But Halloween is younger children getting dressed up all "scary" and going door to door for candy to rot their stomachs and teeth. And even worse, there is always that horrible person out there who tries to hurt the children through the candy with needles and poison. So is Halloween such a great thing?
For the older generations, we look at Halloween as another explanation for a grouping of friends and reminiscing the dorky and possibly really embarrassing costumes worn around town. And maybe going out to buy a costume that is really too expensive, but we want it to be a good Halloween, and that's what it's all about! Or so it's been learned that way.
I don't think that the risks that persist today, including kidnapping,poisoning and the scary nightmares from the TV shows that go watched without parental advising. I think that Halloween should not be emphasised as much as it is, which would save a lot of money (for the dentist bills and for the costume buyers). Also, when I have children running around town I want to know that they will be safe from harm in more ways than one; physically and mentally... anyone with me??